Building Permits & Zoning Forms

RV-MOBILE-HOME-APP.pdf(PDF, 285KB) Building Permits


Zoning Forms


Other Permits and Forms




You can now apply for permits online:

Apply Online here

For information on building permits please contact the Planning and Zoning Department.

Phone:  985-651-5565.

Emergency Inspections: Emergency inspections are generally for electrical issues that have occurred that were out of a homeowner or business owner’s control such as Acts of God, vehicle impact, burnt lugs, fire, etc. If the home or business is currently occupied and one of these instances have occurred, then an on call inspector can perform an inspection and call the utility provider for a reconnect. A permit is required. If the incident happened after business hours, then a permit must be obtained the next business day. Gas inspections will generally occur during normal business hours except when necessary for heat when extreme cold temperatures are expected. For a planned outage, work should be coordinated with the inspector to minimize outage duration.

Emergency Inspection Contact

Select option 1 to be directed to the answering service who will contact the inspector on call.