President Hotard Creates Safety Task Force

Published on May 14, 2020


St. John the Baptist Parish - Parish President Jaclyn Hotard announced today that she is implementing a safety task force to promote and maintain compliance with Governor John Bel Edward’s Phase One Reopening Order and encourages all businesses to familiarize themselves with the order before Phase One reopening Friday, May 15,2020.

Citizens can report concerns with businesses not complying with the Governor’s orders through at

The St. John Fire Department, with guidance from the Fire Marshal’s Office and Parish President’s Office, will monitor and ensure that St. John businesses have the adequate resources and information needed to safely reopen and that businesses are following the Phase One guidelines.

For More Information on Phase One please visit,

Residents should continue to take all precautions against COVID-19 such as wearing masks in public, practicing good hygiene and social distancing.

Vulnerable individuals (seniors and those with underlying health conditions) should stay home as much as possible.

“The safety of our community remains my number one priority,” said Parish President Hotard. “Creating the Safety Task Force will allow us to assist our businesses comply with Phase One Reopening guidelines and also be able to swiftly and appropriately address any non-compliance.”