Parish President Hotard Announces I-10 Exit Improvements

Published on August 03, 2021

Parish President Hotard received authorization to move forward with identifying and addressing improvements to the parish’s two I-10 exits.

As a joint effort of the parish’s Planning and Zoning & Economic Development Departments, work will be done to identify improvements, as well as address visibility and business attraction to both I-10 exits. The Parish will work with stakeholders and state permitting agencies to prepare conceptual designs that will accentuate the natural environment, improve traffic safety, and redefine the entrances to St. John Parish.

“Building on research into best practices from other parishes and communities around the country, improvements to the I-10 gateway corridors can help capitalize on the Parish’s strategic location between New Orleans, Baton Rouge and Hammond,” Parish President Hotard said. “With thousands of motorists passing through each day, the project aims to grow business and tax dollars into the community.”

The project consists of scoping and preparing conceptual designs to enhance the aesthetics, signage, lighting, landscaping, drainage, and safety of their respective corridor with an intent to attract visitors and new businesses and to spur economic growth. ###
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