President Hotard Updates on Canal Cleaning & Drainage Improvements

Published on July 13, 2021

President Hotard Updates on Canal Cleaning & Drainage Improvements

Approximately 30,000 cubic yards of material were removed from the Vicknair Canal recently as part of an important drainage project that involves the dredging and excavation of Vicknair, Haydel and Woodland Canals. This project helps to remove sediments and debris which allows for better flow and flood control/drainage.

The contractor is currently working to complete Vicknair Canal and then will move to Woodland and Haydel Canals. These canals are being worked on first due to permit clearances and because of the availability of funds from voter-approved bond issues. Other canals that are only permitted for cleaning and snagging will be scheduled in house.

We will continue to update on canal cleaning and drainage improvements.


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