Published on March 24, 2025



          St. Charles and St. John the Baptist Parish industries, along with St. Charles Parish and St. John the Baptist

Parish governments will host the annual Household Hazardous Materials Collection Day from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00

p.m. on Saturday, April 5, 2025.  St. James Parish, Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality and Louisiana

Department of Agriculture & Forestry are also supporting the event.  The goal of this event is to provide

households an opportunity to properly dispose or recycle materials that are inappropriate for curbside pickup. 

Event coordinators include Jason L.Bradford with Marathon Petroleum Company, who also serves as treasurer of

the River Region Environmental Association, Richard Hoagland with Shell – Norco, and a team from both Parish

governments are the event coordinators for the event. 

          St. Charles Parish is thankful to our community partners for helping organize a safe and convenient way for

residents to responsibly dispose of their household hazardous waste. This event helps keep excess chemicals out

of our homes, waterways, and landfills, so every item collected makes our community cleaner and safer for all.

Richard Hoagland explained, “We urge everyone to take advantage of this opportunity.  Please clean out

hazardous materials from your garage, utility room or shed and properly dispose of these wastes on April 5th at

one of these two available sites.”

          “Proper disposal of hazardous household materials is essential for protecting our community and the

environment.” said St. John Parish President Jaclyn Hotard. “This event provides residents with a safe and

convenient way to get rid of these items responsibly, helping to keep our homes, waterways, and neighborhoods

clean and safe.”

          The two collection locations are in St. John the Baptist Parish at the Plaza LaPlace Shopping Center at 1921

Airline Highway in LaPlace, known as the New Wine Ministries parking lot and in St. Charles in Luling at the

Edward A. Dufresne Community Center, located at 274 Judge Dufresne Parkway.

With support from Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality, this event is sponsored by the

following 20 local companies with the two Parish governments as a community service:  Air Products (multiple

locations in three parishes), Arkema, Bayer, Bunge, Cornerstone Chemical Company, Denka Performance

Elastomer, Diamond Green Diesel, Dow, DuPont, Galata Chemical Corp., Koch Fertilizer, Marathon Petroleum

Company, Nalco Water – an Ecolab Company, Nucor, OxyChem, Pinnacle Polymers, Shell – Norco, and Valero

– St. Charles.  In addition to these sponsor companies, River Region Environmental Association, is serving as the

fiscal agent for this annual event.

          Jason L. Bradford explained, “We are looking forward to collecting household hazardous materials from

our community again this year.  Please visit the event website ( for event details.”

He continued, “At these Household Hazardous Materials Collection events, we collect potentially harmful

materials and prepare them for recycling, recovery, treatment or disposal.  Please note, LATEX PAINT is not

accepted and is not hazardous.  If you have latex paint, open the can, let it dry, and it can be disposed of in your

regular garbage service.  Please let the paint dry before putting in your trash.” 

          The following household hazardous materials will be accepted and properly disposed of or recycled:  oil-

based paint, solvents, tires (limit five per vehicle and one delivery only), automotive and other rechargeable

batteries, household cleaning products, acids/bases, used oil, antifreeze, aerosol cans, fluorescent lamps,

pesticides, herbicides, scrap metal, major appliances and used electronics, such as used computers, copiers,

printers, radios, TVs and other electronic devices.  We cannot accept explosives, ammunition, infectious medical

wastes, unidentifiable materials, compressed gas cylinders (including propane tanks), radioactive wastes (smoke

alarms), asbestos, latex paint, high school lab wastes or commercial/governmental facility waste, including in-

home business waste.  There is a limit of five tires per vehicle.  Storm and construction debris cannot be accepted. 

Latex paints will not be accepted.

          Please visit one of the two event sites on Saturday, April 5, 2025.  If you have any questions or would like

additional information, please send an email to the Household Hazardous Materials Collection Day hotline at 




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