Wastewater Treatment

The Parish’s system consists of seven wastewater plants which process residential, non-domestic wastewater and sludge treatment. There are four plants located on the East Bank. Their locations include River Road, Woodland, Belle Point, and Garyville. The remaining three plants are located on the West Bank.  Treatment certifications are required for all facilities which provide for the treatment of wastewater and the reduction and/or handling of sludge removed from such wastewater. Levels of certification depend on the total population the plant serves.

Non-Domestic Wastewater Program

Non-Domestic (ND) wastewater is the use of a publicly owned treatment system (POTW) by a commercial entity that discharges waste (for treatment) other than sanitary in nature and volume as defined by the Department of Health and Hospitals (DHH).

St. John the Baptist Parish has allowed non-domestic influents since the 1980’s. A program was developed to control non-domestic influents into the Parish wastewater treatment facilities which was identified as acceptable by both the EPA and DEQ.  This program is now a DEQ requirement.  Ordinance 93-17 was written to satisfy the regulations, and was subsequently revised in November of 2010 and November 2011, resulting in Ordinance 10-34 and 11-46

The current program requires identifying contributors, application evaluations, permit applications and classification of the non-domestic wastewater. An application and the permitting procedure may be obtained from our Planning and Zoning Department located at1811 W. Airline Hwy., LaPlace.

If additional assistance is needed, please contact the Utilities Department at 985-651-6800.