Sales Tax Collections

The sales tax rate in St. John the Baptist Parish is 10.25 percent. 5 percent is dedicated to the State, 2.50 percent is dedicated to the Parish public school system, 2.25 percent is dedicated to the Parish government and .50 percent is dedicated to the Sheriff.

The Parish government's sales tax allocation is as follows: 1 percent dedicated to the purposes of constructing, acquiring, extending, improving and maintaining the Sewer and Water systems parish wide, and constructing, acquiring and improving roads, highways and bridges, .375 percent is dedicated to Economic Development, another .375 percent is dedicated to Roads and Bridges, and .50 percent is dedicated to the Fire Department.

Sales Tax website:

Year Sales Tax Collected
2009: $ 30,989,873
2010: $ 18,691,071
2011: $ 17,885,038
2012: $ 20,642,215
2013: $ 20,891,881
2014: $ 19,642,496
2015 $ 24,290,874
2016: $ 21,295,702
2017: $ 21,610,484
2018: $ 21,114,902
2019: $ 25,694,173
2020: $ 21,671,651
2021: $ 23,968,685
2022: $ 26,962,986
2023: $ 26,794,190