Residents are asked to take precautions this weekend to protect people, pets, pipes and plants and have multiple ways to receive weather updates.
In This Section
St. John the Baptist Parish Sheriff's Office
Acadian Ambulance
American Red Cross
National Weather Service Forecast Office (New Orleans/Baton Rouge LA) 504-522-7330
Louisiana Office of Homeland Security and Preparedness 1-800-256-7036 or 225-925-750
Louisiana Department of Transportation 225-379-1100
Louisiana State University Hurricane Center 225-578-4813
Louisiana Office of Tourism
Louisiana State Police 225-925-6325 (*LSP from any cell phone)
Louisiana State Police Road Closure Hotline 1-800-469-4828
Louisiana Governor’s Office 1-866-366-1121
Louisiana Attorney General 225-326-6705
Louisiana Department of Agriculture & Forestry 225-922-1234
Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality 1-866-896-LDEQ (5337)
Louisiana Department of Insurance 1-800-259-5300 or 225-342-5900
Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries 225-765-7800
Louisiana Department of Natural Resources 225-342-4500
Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals 225-342-9500
Louisiana Department of Social Services 1-888-524-3578 or 225-342-0286
Louisiana Department of Labor 1-866-783-5567
US Coast Guard (8th District) 504-846-6160
Cleco Corporation 1-800-622-6537
Entergy 1-800-ENTERGY (368-3749) Power outages: 1-800-9OUTAGE (968-8243)
Environmental Protection Agency
National Oceanic an Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
NOAA National Coastal Data Development Center
NOAA National Climatic Data Center
NOAA National Data Buoy Center
NOAA National Hurricane Center
NOAA National Oceanographic Data Center
NOAA National Weather Service
NOAA Costal Services Center
NOAA National Environmental Satellite, Data and Information
NOAA Watch - NOAA’s All-Hazard Monitor
U.S. Department of Homeland Security
U.S. Department of Commerce
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
EPA Gulf of Mexico Program
Commander Naval Meteorology and Oceanography Command