9.3.21 Update

9/3/21 Evening Update

Distribution of Mres, Ice & Water
Sat 9/3/21 8am-5pm
- Wallace Fire Station - 
- Garyville Magnet School

We understand that not everyone can access a distribution location, Parish crews and Fire Department are continuing to bring water and ice into neighborhoods.

Due to damage sustained by Hurricane Ida, the LaPlace water system is suffering usage and mechanical issues. Water pressure is slowly building in LaPlace while Utilities works to repair water leaks. The entire Parish is under a Boil Water Advisory.

Entergy has a heavy presence in our area and continues to access damage in an effort to begin restoration in some areas. Entergy will restore as soon as possible.
FEMA is dispatching their mobile registration intake center to begin individual assistance registration in neighborhoods. For those who have mobile cell service, it can be done online at disasterassistance.gov or call 800-621-3362.

Temporary shelter assistance has been approved by FEMA for our Parish. You can visit femaevachotels.com/ or call 800-621-3362 for more information.
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has started Operation Blue Roof for homeowners to cover their damaged roofs until permanent repairs are made. To sign up or get more information, visit http://blueroof.us or call 1-888-766-3258.

Highway 51 interchange is now open.

LA 44 is closed near the Cargill Grain Elevator (between W. 19th Street and W. 23rd Street) is closed due to a conveyor collapse at that location.

Curfew in place dusk to dawn.

More updates to come, please help share with family and friends.