12.8.21 Update

Hurricane Ida Recovery Update

Wednesday, December 8, 2021

The Disaster Recovery Center in the Garyville Library Parking Lot is scheduled to close permanently on December 22nd. It is currently open Monday through Saturday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Residents can continue to visit a number of other centers open in Louisiana. To locate a center, check the FEMA app or visitwww.FEMA.gov/DRC.

If you applied with FEMA and have questions about your recovery process, help is available:

  • Call FEMA’s Disaster Helpline at 800-621-3362 to find out the status of your application, what additional assistance may be available or to have other questions answered. Multilingual operators are available to take your call. The lines are open daily from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m.

No change in previous update

Debris Removal

  • ·Over 890,000 cubic yards has been collected to date.
  • Debris trucks are continuing to remove debris Parishwide.


  • Reminder: The official SBA disaster loan application deadline passed last Monday, November 29th, but there is a grace period until December 14th for homeowners, renters, business owners and non-profit staff to apply for disaster assistance from the SBA.

Quick Resources

  • To apply online they can visit: https://DisasterLoanAssistance.SBA.gov
  • Applicants may also call SBA’s Customer Service Center at (800) 659-2955 or email disastercustomerservice@sba.gov for more information on SBA disaster assistance. Individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing may call (800) 877-8339
  • Deadline to apply to SBA Economic Injury is May 31,2022

The SBA Business Recovery Center remains open from 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Mondays through Wednesdays at the River Region Chamber of Commerce office, located at 390 Belle Terre Blvd. in LaPlace.

Be Aware of Contractor Fraud

  • As we work to recover and rebuild following Hurricane Ida, residents are encouraged to watch for and report any suspicious activity or contractor fraud.
  • Potential fraud should be reported to https://www.bbb.org/file-a-complaint or the FEMA Disaster Fraud Hotline at 866-720-5721.
  • Remember to verify contractor’s license and insurance.

Hurricane Ida Disaster Legal Assistance

  • Hurricane Ida Disaster Legal Assistance is available by appointment every Tuesday from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at the legal clinic located at 1811 W. Airline Hwy in LaPlace.
  • St. John the Baptist Parish residents seeking disaster-related legal assistance can contact Southeast Legal Services at 225-448-0080 ext. 336 to schedule an appointment. If no one answers, please leave your name and phone number and someone will return your call.

Temporary Housing

  • Residents who need temporary housing should register for the state’s Hurricane Ida Sheltering program at idashelteringla.com or by calling 844-268-0301.
  • Already registered? Check your status by viewing your registration at IdaShelteringLA.com. If you have any questions, please reach out to a Program Team Member by calling 1-844-268-0301 or 1-844-458-1806 for talk to text (TTY).

Long Term Recovery Group

  • St. John Parish recently activated the Long Term Recovery Group to assist residents with unmet needs due to Hurricane Ida.
  • If you are a homeowner and are uninsured, underinsured, or need assistance due to Hurricane Ida, please call the St John Volunteer Reception Center (VRC) at 985-703-8411.  

Elderly Assistance

  • Elderly residents who may need assistance can call Department of Health & Human Services at 985-536-4955 during business hours.


  • Permit fees for repairs and renovations due to hurricane damage have been waived however a permit may still be needed in some instances.
  • Building permits are not needed for Shingles, Sheetrock, Cabinetry, Flooring, Fencing, Doors, Siding, Trim and Painting.
  • Permits are only needed when structural repairs are made to the framing, roof, or electrical components of the house.
  • If you have any questions or would like to make an appointment, please contact the Planning and Zoning Department at 985-651-5565.

Safe Reconnect

  • If you sustained damage to your home or business electrical and/or gas systems and the utility was not able to reconnect service, please contact Planning & Zoning at Email safereconnect@stjohn-la.gov or call 985-651-5565 so someone in this department can work with you on reconnection.

Stay Connected

  • For text alerts, text SJPWEATHER to 888-77
  • Parish website: sjbparish.gov
  • Parish social media: Facebook, Instagram & Twitter
  • Government Access Channel (15/99)