10.18.21. Update

Published on October 18, 2021

Hurricane Ida Recovery Update

Monday, October 18, 2021

Debris Collection

More than 666,000 cubic yards of debris has been collected to date.

We know that many people may have not yet gutted their homes and debris piles will continue to pop up. Please be assured that debris contractors will continue to collect 7 days a week.

We are also working with State DOTD as they are tasked with debris collection on state highways. DOTD has started the removal of commercial debris on state highways in St. John.


Over 18,300 residents have applied for FEMA Assistance to date.

The Disaster Recovery Centers are located at:

Frazee-Harris Memorial Library (parking lot)

Historic Front Street, Garyville, LA 70051

Roland Borne, Sr. Memorial Library (parking lot)

2979 LA-18, Edgard, LA 70049

Hours of operation for both centers are Monday – Sunday, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.

FEMA Home Inspections Info: If you applied with FEMA and you cannot live in your home because of damage caused by Hurricane Ida, a FEMA inspector will contact you to set up either a remote or in-person, exterior-only home inspection. FEMA never charges for an inspection.

More on what to expect from your inspection: https://www.fema.gov/.../fema-home-inspections-what-expect

If you received a letter saying you are ineligible for assistance after #Ida damaged your home, you still have options. Often, you can appeal FEMA’s initial decision and possibly become eligible for assistance. More information here::https://www.fema.gov/.../common-reasons-fema-may-find-you...

More ways to contact FEMA: disasterassistance.gov or call the 24/7 FEMA hotline at 1-800-621-3362. If you think you are a victim of fraud, report it immediately to the FEMA Disaster Fraud Hotline at 1-866-223-0814.


Temporary Housing

The state offers a non-congregate Hurricane Ida Sheltering Program, visit idashelteringla.com/ or call 844-268-0301 to register for temporary sheltering.

Please note that you will never be asked to provide your Social Security Number, Banking or Financial Information as part of your participation in this program. The program provides sheltering assistance to residents in eligible heavily impacted parishes until other temporary or permanent housing options are available

We encourage residents to also apply for FEMA assistance at disasterassistance.gov.

Executive Order – Residential RVS

Parish President Hotard signed an executive order to allow for placement of one RV, travel trailer or other similar form of temporary housing to be placed on a single-family residential site through August 29, 2022. Additional provisions may be added as needs are identified for recovery. 


Currently, 19 customers are without power or 0.10% Parishwide.

If you are without power, please call and report it to Entergy at 1-800-ENTERGY.

Beware of scammers threatening immediate service disconnection. Entergy will never call and ask for personal information or demand payment.

If you get a suspicious call from “Entergy,” hang-up and call 1-800-368-3749 to speak directly with an Entergy customer service representative.

If you need to start, stop, or move service; pay your bill; or report an outage, you can also use: https://www.myentergy.com/s/.

Business Recovery Center

The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) Business Recovery Center is open in LaPlace on Mondays - Wednesdays, 9 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. at River Region Chamber of Commerce - 390 Belle Terre Blvd., LaPlace

You may call SBA’s Customer Service Center at 800-659-2955, email DisasterCustomerService@sba.gov or visit www.sba.gov/services/disasterassistance for more information on SBA disaster assistance.

Parish President Hotard is hosting a Facebook Live with the Small Business Administration Wednesday at 3:00 p.m. Email questions in advance to info@stjohn-la.gov or text to 504-884-0607

No change from previous update:


Metro is working to return to regularly scheduled routes. More information at https://metroservicegroup.com/.

Disaster Unemployment

Are you out of work due to Hurricane Ida? Follow these 4 steps to connect with disaster relief job opportunities:

Visit laworks.net to start the application process and click on “Disaster Relief Opportunities”

Complete the online form

Wait for staff to verify eligibility

Make sure you have created a HiRE account

Elderly Assistance

Residents who need elderly assistance should call the Department of Health & Human Services at 985-536-4955 during business hours, 8am-4:30pm daily.


Permit fees for repairs and renovations due to hurricane damage have been waived until February 28, 2022.

Building permits are not needed for the following types of work:

Shingles, Sheetrock, Cabinetry, Flooring, Fencing, Doors, Siding, Trim and Painting.

Permits are only needed when structural repairs are made to the framing, roof, or electrical components of the house.

If you have any questions, please contact the Planning and Zoning Department at 985-651-5565.

Safe Reconnect

If you sustained damage to your home or business electrical and/or gas systems and the utility was not able to reconnect service, please contact Planning & Zoning at Email safereconnect@stjohn-la.gov or call 985-651-5565.

Hurricane Ida Donations

Drop Off Site:

Monday-Friday, 8:30 am – 3:30 pm


200 REGALA Park Rd., Reserve

Non-perishable food, toiletries, cleaning supplies & water (clothing not accepted)

All items donated will go to Hurricane Ida relief in St. John Parish.

Stay Connected

For text alerts, text SJPWEATHER to 888-777

Parish website: sjbparish.gov

Parish social media: Facebook, Instagram & Twitter

Government Access Channel (15/99)



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