10.16.21 Update
Hurricane Ida Recovery
Saturday, October 16, 2021
Debris Collection
- More than 640,000 cubic yards of debris collected to date.
- We know that many people may have not yet gutted their homes and debris piles will continue to pop up. Please be assured that debris contractors will continue to collect 7 days a week.
- Please also make sure debris is placed by curb and only household garbage is placed in garbage can.
- We are also working with State DOTD as they are tasked with debris collection on state highways.
- The Disaster Recovery Centers are located at:
- Frazee-Harris Memorial Library (parking lot)
- 111 Historic Front Street, Garyville, LA 70051
- Roland Borne, Sr. Memorial Library (parking lot)
- 2979 LA-18, Edgard, LA 70049
- Hours of operation for both centers are Monday – Sunday, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
- For other details, check the FEMA app (under Disaster Resources, select Talk to FEMA in Person) or visit DisasterAssistance.gov or 800-621-3362
- FEMA Home Inspections Info: If you applied with FEMA and you cannot live in your home because of damage caused by Hurricane Ida, a FEMA inspector will contact you to set up either a remote or in-person, exterior-only home inspection.
- FEMA never charges for an inspection.
- More on what to expect: https://www.fema.gov/.../fema-home-inspections-what-expect
Temporary Housing
- Parish President Hotard signed an executive order to allow for placement of one RV, travel trailer or other similar form of temporary housing to be placed on a single-family residential site through August 29, 2022. Additional provisions may be added as needs are identified for recovery.
- If you are without power, please call and report it to Entergy at 1-800-ENTERGY.
- Beware of scammers threatening immediate service disconnection. Entergy will never call and ask for personal information or demand payment.
- If you get a suspicious call from “Entergy,” hang-up and call 1-800-368-3749 to speak directly with an Entergy customer service representative.
Business Recovery Center
- The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) Business Recovery Center is open in LaPlace on Mondays - Wednesdays, 9 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. at River Region Chamber of Commerce - 390 Belle Terre Blvd., LaPlace
- Federal low-interest disaster loans from SBA are available to businesses, homeowners, and renters.
- You may call SBA’s Customer Service Center at 800-659-2955, email DisasterCustomerService@sba.gov or visit www.sba.gov/services/disasterassistance for more information on SBA disaster assistance. Individuals who are deaf or hard-of-hearing may call 800-877-8339.
Disaster Unemployment
- Are you out of work due to Hurricane Ida? Follow these 4 steps to connect with disaster relief job opportunities:
- Visit laworks.net to start the application process and click on “Disaster Relief Opportunities”
- Complete the online form
- Wait for staff to verify eligibility
- Make sure you have created a HiRE account
No change from previous update:
Elderly Assistance for St. John residents
• Call the Department of Health & Human Services at 985-536-4955 from 8am-4:30pm daily.
- Permit fees for repairs and renovations due to hurricane damage have been waived until February 28, 2022.
- Building permits are not needed for the following types of work:
Shingles, Sheetrock, Cabinetry, Flooring, Fencing, Doors, Siding, Trim and Painting.
Permits are only needed when structural repairs are made to the framing, roof, or electrical components of the house.
- If you have any questions, please contact the Planning and Zoning Department at 985-651-5565.
Safe Reconnect
- If you sustained damage to your home or business electrical and/or gas systems and the utility was not able to reconnect service, please contact Planning & Zoning at Email safereconnect@stjohn-la.gov or call 985-651-5565.
Boil Water Advisories
- All Boil Water Advisories in St. John Parish are lifted.
- The curfew is lifted for St. John Parish.
Hurricane Ida Donations
- Drop Off Site:
Monday-Friday, 8:30 am – 3:30 pm
200 REGALA Park Rd., Reserve
- Non-perishable food, toiletries, cleaning supplies & water (clothing not accepted)
- All items donated will go to Hurricane Ida relief in St. John Parish.
Stay Connected
- For text alerts, text SJPWEATHER to 888-777
- Parish website: sjbparish.gov
- Parish social media: Facebook, Instagram & Twitter
- Government Access Channel (15/99)